This blog chronicles the journey of Frunobulax, a highly spiritual being, as she attains wisdom on her path to Satori.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Got fleas?
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Frunobublog: Laxxie gets some love from IllogiBlog
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Laxxie gets some love from IllogiBlog

That's my Daddy in the picture, behind me, taking an afternoon nap. I sleep back to back (in this picture you see me pausing to have my picture taken before I snuggle up close) most of the time. I take care to exert pressure, just righty, against Daddy's sore back spots. Mummy-head says we snore sometimes, and she has trouble distinguishing who is doing it. Sometimes he rolls over after he falls asleep, and rubs my belly. Life is good.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Citizen Frunobulax on the value of a good nights sleep

Really, I've seen it myself. He gets all kinds of cheezed off when I poop in my kennel. Piddles don't get the same kind of rise out of him, but he obviously doesn't care for that either. As things are, he's always trying to ship me back to Istanbul, FedEx.
Still, things aren't all that bad for me. You see me here on a tempurpedic bed, which I have learned not to pee on. I spend about 4 glorious hours a day on this thing, sprawled out and snoring. Seriously, though, do not tell Daddy! I'd lose the bed for sure!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Humble roots and rednecks
Daddy makes fun of Arkansas as a backward, redneck filled strip of land between a rock and a hard place, and threatens to send me back when I misbehave particularly badly. He's half-kidding about Arkansas, of course, but he says there's morons everywhere. As it turns out, there are backward rednecks in Colorado, to as this article describes:
Man hospitalized after putting fireworks in coffee grinder
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Citizen Frunobulax

So, check out this cat in the picture. Some balls, eh? It that a fucking eagle?!
Who Is Citizen Frunobulax?
I, a lone wolf reporter bent on uncovering truth, humor and odd shit, am Citizen Frunobulax, and this is the first column so named. Pardon me as I chew on my ass for a moment...
As an observer of humans, I never fail to be astonished by their ideas and behavior. Here, Citizen Frunobulax relates some tales of silly shit that humans do.
Modern times have come to China — religious teachers must now fill out a government application before they can be reincarnated.
The decree, passed in 2007, requires that applications be submitted to four different government bodies. “The selection of reincarnates must preserve national unity and solidarity of all ethnic groups, and the selection process cannot be influenced by any group or individual from outside the country.”
“Work out your own salvation,” said the Buddha. “Do not depend on others.”
Calling Halloween “the devil’s holiday,” in 1986 Ralph P. Forbes of London, Ark., filed suit to prevent the public schools from letting kids wear costumes to school.
He filed the suit on behalf of himself, all Christian children, and Jesus Christ. The defendants included the Arkansas Department of Education, “high priests of secular humanism,” and Satan.
U.S. District Judge George Howard Jr. continued the case, whereupon attorney John Wesley Hall Jr. offered to represent Satan pro bono. He pointed out that the Dark One doesn’t transact business, own property, or commit torts in Arkansas, and asked the judge to drop him as a defendant.
The Chicago Tribune reported drily that “efforts to reach Satan for comment were unsuccessful.”
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hegelian Dielectric

The Capititative Principle posits that if you feed raccoons while hanging upside down, a force Hegel called "frenzied catastrophic pressure" (rasenden katastrophale Druck) is built up between the food object and the raccoons mouth. Thus was born one of the pillars of modern Western philosophy; the Hegelian Dielectric.