Today daddy taught Frunobulax about philosophy and electronics. As it happens, there was a fellow named Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), a German philosopher who did not talk to his horses. His thesis on capacitance, written in Swahili while under the influence of French wines, caused a splash in the scientific and theosophical worlds. Shortly after the third publication of his book ''Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis: HowTo Store Electric Charges Using Vedic Principles of Electromagnetic Theory" in Hebrew, scores of blonde Asian hotties banded together with Madame Blatavsky to form the American Theosophical Capacitance Society (inebriation optional).
The Capititative Principle posits that if you feed raccoons while hanging upside down, a force Hegel called "frenzied catastrophic pressure" (rasenden katastrophale Druck) is built up between the food object and the raccoons mouth. Thus was born one of the pillars of modern Western philosophy; the Hegelian Dielectric.
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