You may be able to tell from the picture, I take my rest very seriously. Being a canine-American, I believe my ethnicity makes me especially inclined toward a certain expertise on the subject. That's Daddy behind me. Seriously, DO NOT tell him I put this pic in my blog. He'll go ballistic.
Really, I've seen it myself. He gets all kinds of cheezed off when I poop in my kennel. Piddles don't get the same kind of rise out of him, but he obviously doesn't care for that either. As things are, he's always trying to ship me back to Istanbul, FedEx.
Still, things aren't all that bad for me. You see me here on a tempurpedic bed, which I have learned not to pee on. I spend about 4 glorious hours a day on this thing, sprawled out and snoring. Seriously, though, do not tell Daddy! I'd lose the bed for sure!
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